Hi Friends, What did you implement from last week? Are you growing? Are you asking yourself good questions? This past weekend was Easter and Passover or whatever you choose to celebrate. Both holidays have a few things in common. Light after darkness. You might find yourself in some dark hours, days, maybe even months. And you know what? That's part of life. If we are honest, we have all experienced these dark times. Some longer than others. I am not talking about depression here. I leave that to the mental health experts. I am talking about dark times concerning:
your job
a relationship with a child
a friendship
a marriage
a professional relationship
a project
a move
financial hardship
physical sickness
an emotional hole
menopause (yep, it's a thing)
a miscarriage
spiritual confusion or hurt
a breakup
loss of a loved one
endless waiting for something
...and many more.
What would you add? It feels like time is standing still when you find yourself in a dark place. And yet, we all find ourselves there. Have you ever opened up to someone about your dark place? You might just find that others have been where you are now, and in my experience, others have been EXACTLY where I am at that point. That's a comfort. And you can carry away strength just from being understood and knowing you are not the only one. There is power in that.
And then you look at the light this person is in right now and you understand and gain hope that there IS light at the end of the tunnel. There is light. It's the law of polarity.
There wouldn’t be a sunrise if it were not for a sunset.
Blue skies after clouds.
Rain after draught.
Day after night.
Ebb and flow in the ocean.
Mountains and valleys.
Activity and rest.
Flexibility and structure.
Discipline and spontaneity
Group and individuality
Safety and fear
Releasing and holding tight
Birth and death
Blooming and wilting
No farmer would even think of cutting an apple tree down in the fall, after it has lost all its fruits and leaves. The farmer knows that there is bareness for a season and after that will come spring blossoms and green leaves and more fruit.
My dear ones. As a sweet older friend keeps telling me: this too shall pass. Hold onto that if you have nothing else to hold on to.
I get it. I have been through times like this and don't enjoy them, but the light and even lightness afterwards is indescribable. And those of us who are in this light and lightness, need to show empathy and understanding and hope and encouragement to those who are still in a dark place.
Rest assured. Better times are coming. Take care of yourself because it hurts to go through this. Use your support system. That's why it's called a support system. Your mom, your sister, your friend, your therapist, your coach, your sister-in-law, your sports group, your travel buddy...
I have talked to many clients about receiving. It doesn’t come easy to some people. Practice receiving.
In order for the light to shine so brightly-the darkness must be present.
Sir Francis Bacon
Polarity is part of life. Please don't beat yourself up over the place you find yourself in right now.
There is light after the darkness.
PS: Message me for a free consult to start moving toward a more confident you.
You are loved. Deeply loved. Loved beyond measure.
Until next time, Isabelle
Call or write for a free life coaching consultation #732-331-2246 Isabellestephensoncoach@gmail.com