Hi friends,
how are you?
I'm starting out with some scriptures taken from Terri Savelle Foy's book.
( paraphrased)
Proverbs 29:18
Where there is no vision, people will perish.
Habakuk 2:2
He was asked to write down the vision given to him for all to see.
Proverbs 23:7
How a man thinks so is he.
Romans 10:17
He speaks of non existing things as though they were.
We are made in his image, which means, among other things that we are made to create.
Has God given you a mission ? An assignment?
John !4:4
I completed what you have assigned me to do.
What is that? What is your assignment?
For me it is to transform relationships, starting with my relationship to myself, to God, to my partner, to my children, and then helping others do the same.
If you have never thought about it, get still with God and ask.
And in Joel 2:25 it says about restoring the lost years:
Stop looking at years that passed and start looking at years that are in front of you.
Isn't that beautiful? Start looking at the years that are in front of you. And one simple way of doing just that, is making a vision board and having it in front of your eyes. At your office, in the entry way to your home, in your kitchen....
There are so many possibilities. One family Terri talked about, made a vision board of their dream vacation. They placed it in the entry way and also put a jar with it, to add change or a dollar here and there when passing by. Smart Idea. They went on their dream vacation.
One of the things I put on mine is to host my own vision board workshop! Soon.
Another is 2 kayaks. And that is not just for material acquisition, but to connect with my spouse and children. Some on on one time. This would definitely be a good relationship building tool. Gone are the days where they were happy building sandcastles with me.
I would love to hear your stories. have you made a vision board? What was the result? Oh please do let me know. :)
PS: Message me for a free consult to start making your own dream become a reality.
You are loved. Deeply loved. Loved beyond measure.
Until next time,
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