Hi friends,
how are you?
"I'm amazing" is probably not the answer that people would give me.
"I'm fine." "I'm OK." "I'm tired."
Right? If someone answered :"I'm amazing", we'd probably think: "What is he high on?"
So here is the truth:
No matter how you feel, you are amazing!!
Why? First of all you are created in God's image. If that isn't amazing I don't know what is. It doesn't matter what you did or didn't do today. You are amazing at your core. You don't have to have done something super man like. Like save the world, or win the Nobel Peace Prize. Or write a book. Or some other impossible thing that, in your mind would make you amazing. Here are a few things that make you amazing :
you smiled at someone today
you are important in someone's life
you sent a loving text to a friend
you got up this morning
you made a meal for your family
you did what needed to get done even though you didn't feel like it
you were true to yourself
you said no and you meant it
you stepped into a new growth
you said "I love you"
you shared your unique perspective
you felt your feelings
you hugged your child
you had a dream
you brought light into a room
you created
you showed your sense of humor
you took care of your health
you found a solution
you overlooked an offense
you encouraged someone
you listened
you got still
And there are many more reasons why you are amazing.
I love pointing out to my clients what they did well. It's so much fun. Their shoulders lift a little and a smile emerges. The best feeling ever.
Are you ready to lift the glasses of "I'm a nobody" to "I'm amazing"?
Respond to this e mail to set up a call and I'll get you started to feeling amazing.
PS: Message me for a free consult :)
You are loved. Deeply loved. Loved beyond measure.
Until next time,
Call or write for a free life coaching consultation
