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Tuesday thoughts And Just a Regular Wednesday

Writer's picture: IsabelleIsabelle

Hi Friends, 

I trust you were inspired by embracing your momentum and moving forward with that energy. Sometimes our days are just regular days. No highlight reels, nothing spectacular happened. There is no big event and no special projects. It's just a regular Wednesday, but let's make it mindful.Who says Wednesday has to be “just another day”? Sure, it might not be the start of the week with all its fresh energy or the promise of the weekend, but that doesn’t mean it can’t sparkle with intentional living. What if we leaned into the fun of ordinary moments and embraced the spirit of “Fancy Like”—where even Applebee’s on a date night feels like a celebration of life’s simplest joys?

Yesterday, my to-do list seemed endless, but this morning, I decided to approach my day differently. As I sipped my coffee—a rich, comforting brew from my old but beloved mug—I promised myself I’d slow down and enjoy even the small things. After all, isn’t life built on a series of seemingly ordinary moments?  I took time to listen to the various bird calls outside (it doesn't always sound like birdsongs), I stood still for a moment to appreciate the sunrise and watch the colors change and fade away. I sit down and journal and read a page or two in a book. After my shower, I enjoy using my new skin care products I received as a birthday gift.  I turned on a feel-good playlist (yes, “Fancy Like” made the cut), threw on my comfiest sweater, and started folding laundry. Instead of rushing through it, I took a moment to breathe in the quiet rhythm. My cats joined me, purring to the beat of the music, turning an everyday chore into a lighthearted little dance party.

Later, instead of eating a quick lunch at my desk, I pulled out the “good” plate—just for me. I sprinkled a little sea salt on my avocado toast and lit a candle at the kitchen table, turning an ordinary sandwich into an extraordinary moment. Maybe for you it's walking the dog. Instead of rushing through a walk with your dog, let her sniff the grass a little longer, and marvel at her endless curiosity. Slowing down will help you notice how bright the winter sky looked and how the cool air carried just a hint of spring. Being mindful on a regular Wednesday means finding joy in the details: the way your cozy blanket feels against your skin as you sip tea, (I crave a hot cup of tea even in the mild Florida winters), the crisp sound of leaves or snow crunching under your feet, or the satisfying stretch of your body when you take a deep breath. It’s also about setting an intention for your day, even in the middle of its busyness.That’s the thing about a regular Wednesday: it doesn’t ask much of us, but it gives us the opportunity to make a choice—to live it like just another day or dress it up with a little gratitude and mindfulness.

When you look closer, even the simplest things—a text from a friend, the laughter of your kids, or the golden sunlight through the window—are abundant. It’s not about creating perfection but about seeing beauty in the realness of life. So, crank up the music, wear your favorite socks, and remind yourself: life is already pretty fancy when you’re living it on purpose. As the day winds down, I think about a moment from last Wednesday that stuck with me. I was feeling tired, finishing up some chores, when I noticed my neighbor, out in the front yard. She was kneeling in the dirt, carefully trimming her bushes. I waved, and she stood up with the slow grace of someone who had all the time in the world.

“Just tending my bushes,” she said with a smile. “They teach me patience.”

Later that evening, I thought about her words as I watched the sunlight fade, painting the sky in soft, golden hues. The day had been full of ordinary tasks—work meetings, errands, and a pile of laundry I still hadn’t folded. But, as I sat there and gave myself permission to be still, I realized how much beauty had been scattered throughout the day: the aroma of fresh coffee, the laughter of my grand baby, a kind word during a work zoom call, and now, the quiet joy of a sky in transition.

Maybe mindfulness is a little like tending to a garden—it takes time and intention, but the rewards are worth it. A simple Wednesday can become extraordinary when we pause long enough to notice the beauty that’s always been there, waiting for us to slow down. So here’s to the next regular Wednesday—may you savor every little thing it has to offer. Life is already full of richness when we choose to slow down and savor it. After all, when you take time to truly see the little things, even the most ordinary Wednesday feels pretty fancy.

Here is this weeks affirmation:

I slow down to savor the beauty of my day.


PS: Message me for a free consult to start moving toward a more confident you.

You are loved. Deeply loved. Loved beyond measure.

Until next time,


Call or write for a free life coaching consultation 


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