Hi Friends,
Did you come up with a new affirmation in your life?
You know I want you to implement what you read. Otherwise, there is no change.
Now....are you familiar with the fictional character of Pippi Longstocking? The creator of this outstanding character is Astrid Lindgren, born 1907 in Sweden. I recently watched a very educational and inspiring documentary on this wonderful author, and I have to say, she was way ahead of herself with her philosophies.
It’s free on YouTube! Here is one in English :)
There are many, many endearing traits about Pippi Longstocking. I want to focus on one today.
She knew her strength!!!
Astrid Lindgren brought that out in many ways, amongst which are:
she could carry her horse
she had her own house
she lived alone
she showed no fear...
Astrid's character spoke to the dreams and strength of the children. As a child, I loved watching the series on television, and now, as an adult, I can see deeper. I see all the psychological tricks she used to speak power into our lives, to dream of the impossible, to free yourself and be yourself.
Something that we don't do in our education system is to strengthen the strengths that are inside of us. We certainly don't do it as parents. We are always pointed to our faults and weaknesses. Things we did wrong and things we need to improve. Right?
I know you have experienced at least ONE caring adult in your life who pointed out your strengths!
Who was it?
What did he or she say?
How did it impact you?
For me, it was my art teacher in my last 2 years in high school in Germany.
She was wonderful in the sense that she always encouraged us to paint, draw and create outside our comfort zone! I remember one time, when I was super comfortable with my little sketch pad, that I drew on with pencil, she gave each of us a huge piece of white paper and chalk. She said: "Fill it!"
Her belief in us was unmistakable. I so wish I could show you this drawing that came out of it. It was actually pretty good. All in pastels. But sadly, I didn't pick it up and never brought it home. And there was no parent who would have encouraged me to do so either. I believe, if my mom had been alive, she definitely would have wanted me to bring it home!
What are your strengths?
List them on a piece of paper and keep it handy so you can add to the list.
If this is a hard exercise for you, I can help with that! I am pretty good at drawing out your strengths!
What would happen if you focused on these?
Instead of wasting energy, time, and money to strengthen your weaknesses???
We are not talking huge strengths here, like you are an incredible singer or author or athlete.
To get you started, here are some examples:
Are you good with the elderly?
Are you a good at listening?
Are you a good host?
Are you a good planner?
Are you an encourager?
Are you good at problem solving?
Are you a good group leader?
Are you good at being an entrepreneur ?
Are you a good writer?
Are you good at self-discipline?
Are you good at self-motivation? K’s
Are you good at cleaning/decluttering/organizing?
Are you good at public speaking?
Are you good at delegating?
Are you good at healthy cooking/eating?
Are you good at encouraging others?
I hope these got you started on your list. Yes, please write them out.
Can you start, from now on, to look at your strengths more? At least as much as you look at your weaknesses?
And then decide to strengthen one of these strengths that you wrote on your list!
Just one, so you don't feel too overwhelmed.
Let me know what you came up with! You know I love to hear from you.
Strengthening your strengths will make you happier than strengthening your weaknesses.
PS: Message me for a free consult to start moving toward a more confident you.
You are loved. Deeply loved. Loved beyond measure.
Until next time,
Call or write for a free life coaching consultation