Hi Friends, today I want to focus on the good! During this time of chaos what good can we do? Message me if you are in fear or overwhelm. I offer you a free session. This is the best time to get life coaching!! Yes, one free session!
I've seen posts that certain restaurants are giving out reduced priced foods for families who are usually getting fed at school
I've read e mails that certain school cafeterias are open for those families
I see a lot of encouraging posts on FB
I hear of families spending time together
I hear of people being thankful for what matters
How can we spread some Positive ?
how about :
writing a card to someone virtually or on real paper
calling a friend you haven't spoken to in a while
donate to your local church or food pantry
send cards to nursing homes and hospitals
do an online concert
watch a movie with your family
play a game together
go for a hike in nature
I am also hosting a daily virtual book club on managing our thoughts. https://www.facebook.com/groups/3869919029684851/?source_id=1303934259666391 Join the group, download zoom and you are ready to be encouraged for the next 15 days.
PS: Message me for a free session.
You are loved. Deeply loved. Loved beyond measure.
Until next time, Isabelle Call or write for a free life coaching consultation #732-331-2246 Isabellestephensoncoach@gmail.com
