Hi friends,
how are you?
two more Sundays before Christmas! I want to bring your attention to the little things. Christmas celebrations are not about the big things in life, are they?
little ornaments transform a plain tree into something beautiful and special
little cookies add such joy to family gatherings
little notes make up beautiful melodies of beloved Christmas songs
little gifts under the tree add so much anticipation for little ones
little gifts in little stockings
little traditions that bring the family together
little snowflakes that make up a snowman
little fingerprints from little guests that are treasured because those little ones came to visit
As I was leaving a Christmas party last night, I complimented her on how beautifully she decorated her house. Somehow that turned into talking about cleaning before guests arrived, and I said that I have some cleaning left when I got home. The host, like many other empty nesters said, that she misses the cleaning after children, because she misses THEM so much.
A good reminder, to be thankful even for the dirt on the floor, the splattered microwave, the laundry, the dishes in the sink, the stuff that hasn't been put away.
Its the little things, that make up the big picture.
And when you turn it around, its also the little things that annoy us, right?
We decide, what we want to focus on.
Focus on the little things that bring you joy. Even and especially when you're not feeling so well. When something weighs heavy on your heart. When all you want to do is focus on the negative and what has gone wrong.
Find a little thing that brings you joy.
a good morning from a child
a hot cup of coffee
a chapter in a book
a phone call over the holidays
a songbird
a Christmas card from a friend
You get the idea.
PS: December special is on! 10% off of ten sessions. What better time to implement little steps daily to have better relationships in your life. Start now!
You are loved. Deeply loved. Loved beyond measure.
Until next time,
Call or write for a free life coaching consultation