Hi friends,
how are you?
Where do you find yourself this beautiful summer day? I'm talking emotional, physical, spiritual , mental state, not your physical location. ;)
It took years to get here, it takes time to get out of it
What behavioral patterns have gotten me to where I am today ?
Why do I want to heal/change?
Have I come up with a vision for my future ?
How do I focus on my work ?
Am I able to focus on how I show up?
Am I responsible for my actions and willing to own them?
Who do I want to be for myself?
Who do I want to be for the woman/man in my life?
Who do I not want to be? There might be some anxiety as I realize that my old beliefs were not true.
Our brains want the stability of the old belief system (efficiency)
What new strategies am I implementing?
Which ones are the hardest to implement?
Do I see the discrepancy of how it is to how I want it to be?
Am I stuck on being a victim and blaming others or do I have tools to overcome that mindset?
Am I willing to keep working on myself regardless of anyone else’s changes?
Today, I’m the adult. What was true in the past is not necessarily true in the present.
What are my options?
What is my fear?
What do I crave?
What is my belief about myself?
Are internal ‘should’s ‘ running my life?
When do I get triggered?
Do I practice self care?
How am I filling myself up with joy?
How am I grounded and rooted in God’s love?
What is my next best step?
What is important for me right now in my life?
Ponder these and let me help you move forward. It would be an honor.
PS: Message me for a free consult .
You are loved. Deeply loved. Loved beyond measure.
Until next time,
Call or write for a free life coaching consultation