Hi Friends, What did you implement last week? Thank you for those of you who responded to my Mother’s Day musings! I love hearing from you. Today, we follow along that line and touch on graduations! None of my kids are graduating any sort of school this year. My 20 year old daughter's boyfriend is graduating from college and I'm heading over to his graduation party soon :) and wondering where life will take him. We are all so proud of his accomplishments. Wasn't I just at his high school graduation yesterday? Graduations and growing up…
It's graduation month and FB is full of grad pictures. It is a beautiful thing to celebrate, isn't it? I often wonder what the story is behind these pictures. The joys, the struggles, the ups and downs.
They have to let go of familiar things and find their way in a new jungle. Do you have a high school grad? In my parenting teen group a few years back, where we went through Mark Greggstons Tough Guys And Drama Queens, we learned about giving over more responsibility to our teens. We need to get away from controlling everything to letting go of the reigns, a little at a time. If we won't, they will most certainly rebel against the strict rules. The challenge for that week was to just choose one area where we can transfer more responsibility to them. How else will they learn? We want them to be responsible adults, right? The best and safest place is to learn while they are still home. I love to say that we are their safety net. And that, my friends, doesn't always feel good. A safety net is there when the acrobat falls. I find it hard to let my teens fall. It hurts us too, doesn't it? And for the college grad, it's a whole new ballgame. They live in uncertainty for a while, as they are applying to jobs. Are they moving away? Out of town? Out of state? It's a huge transition. When I graduated from college, I had already studied in two countries and was so glad to be finally done. I, also, was married and had a 1 year old baby. I know moms who went back to college to get their bachelors or masters degree. For all college grads, no matter where they are in life, it is a huge relief and at the same time new fears show up. The roller coaster of life. You are so thankful and proud for your accomplishments and also, nervous and anxious about the future. And let's not forget to celebrate! Americans have that down, for sure! I neither had a high school grad party nor a college grad party. No wonder I make sure that my children's accomplishments are celebrated! So, to my teens, to my young adult children and to yours:
May they learn to embrace every new season in their life.
PS: Message me for a free consult to start moving toward a more confident you.
You are loved. Deeply loved. Loved beyond measure.
Until next time,

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