Hi Friends, What did you implement last week? Did you see yourself as a woman of value? Spring has sprung, and that means new growth; cherry blossoms, tulips, daffodils...a burst of color everywhere. Even Florida, where things are green and colorful all year, has some trees and bushes that only bloom around this time. New growth. A burst of color. It's all been inside the tree or the flower bulb. All winter it's been there. Resting and waiting until it was time to shine. You might be in a winter season emotionally. That's ok. The growth and the colors are all in there. All inside of you. One way to get to know yourself better is by answering questions. Just like you would ask a friend or a potential friend. The following might be easy questions, but they are usually hard to answer. Let me know of your experience.
Allow me to help you get to know yourself a little better with the following questions:
What do you like?
What do you want?
Where do you want to go?
What do you desire?
What do you want to try?
What's your favorite?
What do you absolutely adore?
It might be easier if I asked you a very specific question like what is your favorite spring flower or what do you want to do tonight?
The above listed questions are very general and you will have a harder time answering them. Give yourself some time. Take a piece of paper and start writing. Don't erase. Don’t overthink. Just write. We are so hard on ourselves. Just write and don't edit and see what comes up for you.
Just be curious.
You are getting to know this awesome valuable woman we learned about last week. You are letting her explore new grounds, stretch and grow, and reach the surface after the long, dark winter. She will see the sunshine and drink in the water and feel warmth and slowly grow upward.
This growth benefits not only others but herself, too. I know you give to others. I know you care for others. I know you serve and explore and get to know others.
Today, I challenge you with all the love in my heart to give this time to yourself and grow. Grow into what you are ALREADY meant to grow into. Just ask yourself questions. And answer them honestly.
I would be so honored if you send me the answers you came up with and what feelings you had when you first read the questions.
Let it be springtime in your soul. Isabelle Stephenson
PS: Message me for a free consult to start moving toward a more confident you..
You are loved. Deeply loved. Loved beyond measure.
Until next time, Isabelle

Call or write for a free life coaching consultation #732-331-2246 Isabellestephensoncoach@gmail.com