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Tuesday Thoughts And What Is Freedom?

Writer's picture: IsabelleIsabelle

Hi Friends, Have you thought of someone you can celebrate? Thank you for the positive feedback; it inspires me and fills me up more than you know! When you read this, it will be July 4th, Independence Day, here in the US which made me think of freedom. What does freedom mean to you? As you know, I think a lot in pictures, and Maya Angelou came to mind with her famous quote:

A caged bird sings of freedom. A free bird flies.

Nelson Mandela, who served 27 years in prison, must have kept a part of himself free, to be able to come out of prison and be elected president of South Africa. Viktor Frankl, who was prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp, kept part of himself free, to be able to have hope and survive and later on write the best seller, Man's Search for Meaning. Now, those two men are extreme examples of men who were literally imprisoned and yet kept freedom alive inside themselves. What is freedom to you? Are you aware of all the freedoms you have? You are free to speak your mind. You are free to have any thought you want. You are free to learn anything you desire. You are free to dress any way you want. You are free to listen to anything. You are free to move outside your home. You are free to relocate and choose a new home. You are free to change careers. You are free to eat what you want. You are free to cut your hair. You are free to heal old wounds. You are free not to heal old wounds. You are free to read anything you want. You are free to believe in anything you want. And thousands more. Have you encountered people who are free and always complain? And have you encountered people who have had a tough life and are always thankful? You are free to choose. You can choose to be thankful for what you do have. You can choose to let go of old beliefs and instill new ones. I am reminded of videos I see on social media of children in an undeveloped country (sorry, I don't have details), yet they do the most joyful dance with the biggest smiles on their faces. Barefoot in the dry dirt. Joy. Freedom. This might be a good journaling activity. Freedom means..... I want to be free in .... Letting go of physical junk is freeing. Similarly, letting go of emotional junk is even more freeing. Where are your emotions stuck? Where do you have pain points and childhood wounds that you could heal and let go of? It's hard work to uncover childhood wounds, and when you are ready, you take your courage and you start healing. There are therapists, coaches, programs, books, workshops, will have to find what is right for you. I just did a course in emotional intelligence and one exercise was to post a picture of ourselves as a child and how that child felt.

That’s me, my cousin and my Oma (grandma). I chose the feelings of fun, loving and adventurous. For those who don't know, I lost my mom at 6 years old. The fun loving, adventurous part of me is there. It just needs to be freed. You know what I mean? In the same way, I love helping my clients rediscover things that they had forgotten about. Finding them again is freeing. It frees them up to be more creative. To make better choices, To rewire themselves and live a better life. They are free to start an old hobby again. They are free to say no where they said yes in the past. They are free to say yes to courage and faith and to trust that everything is inside of them to heal and move forward.

Choose you. Choose one thing this week that means freedom to you.


PS: Message me for a free consult to start moving toward a more confident you.

You are loved. Deeply loved. Loved beyond measure.

Until next time, Isabelle

Call or write for a free life coaching consultation #732-331-2246

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